Music Canada

Gold & Platinum

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Music Canada

Gold & Platinum

 Music Canada


Licensing Music – Who’s Who

When it comes to licensing music, there are two groups of rights holders who are usually involved:

Record companies (or the makers of sound recordings) who are represented by Connect Music Licensing (representing most English Canada record companies), SOPROQ (representing most Quebec companies) and Re:Sound

Songwriters/Publishers who are represented by CMRRA, SODRAC, CSI and SOCAN Depending on the use, you may need to contact one or more of these rights holders. Below is a chart to identify the common licensing uses and the appropriate contacts.

Use Contact
Reproduction of Sound Recordings (master rights) Connect Music Licensing, SOPROQ
Performance/transmission of Sound Recordings (neighbouring rights) Re:Sound
Reproduction of Musical Works (mechanical rights) CSI, CMRRA
Performance of Musical Works SOCAN
Reproduction/performance of music video Connect Music Licensing, SOPROQ
Film or Television usage (synchronization rights) Individual rights holder (often the record label)

Common Examples:

1. Company wishes to provide background music services to retail establishments

Connect Music Licensing and SOPROQ licensing required to reproduce the sound recordings for provision to the retail establishment. Connect Music Licensing’s licence fees are available at

CMRRA licensing may be required for the reproduction of the musical work (composition).

SOCAN and Re:Sound licensing required to compensate authors and composers (SOCAN Tariff 16 – for performance of musical works and producers and performers (Re:Sound Tariff 3 for performance/transmission of sound recordings.

2. Television Station Wishes to Broadcast Music Videos

Connect Music Licensing has the mandate to license music videos on behalf of SOPROQs members. A license from Connect Music Licensing permits a broadcaster/producer to copy music videos for the purpose of broadcast, and to broadcast them. License fees are available at

CMRRA can issue a licence for the reproduction of the musical work (composition).
As producers of music videos have exclusive performance rights, no SOCAN or Re:Sound tariff is applicable.

Service Providers’ Guide To Digital Music In Canada

Music Canada has developed a guide for businesses seeking to start a digital music service in Canada containing information on market opportunities, Canadian consumer preferences, music licensing, and more.

Canada’s music market is in transition. Every year, more Canadians buy and enjoy music online and on mobile devices.

Canada’s major and leading independent record labels are proactively helping digital music service providers succeed through initiatives such as this guide.

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