Earlier this week, the Town of Aurora, ON, approved of a music strategy which will guide local policy and support the needs of existing music businesses as the Town continues in its plans for development. The strategy will support Aurora musicians, create easier access to music programs, and support music programs for disadvantaged communities.
The music strategy acknowledges the significant role of music in providing employment, attracting tourism, and generating spending in other sectors of the local economy. Further, the strategy shows that the Town of Aurora understands how much a vibrant music sector can contribute to the social and cultural fabric of a community.
The five areas of focus in the strategy include:
- Supporting an environment friendly to music creators;
- Encouraging the business of music in Aurora;
- Promoting Aurora’s music sector locally;
- Fostering alliances with other music cites; and,
- Implementing a process for monitoring progress and measuring success.
Aurora’s music strategy follows the key recommendations of Music Canada’s The Mastering of a Music City report, which is a roadmap for communities of all sizes can follow to realize the full potential of their music economy. The global report is the result of more than forty interviews with music community experts, government officials, and community leaders. Nearly a year since its release, the report continues to drive policy discussions around music in cities around the world.
Music Canada