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 Music Canada

Posts by Amy Terrill (26)


Music Canada Proud to Support 41st Annual JUNO Awards

Toronto, February 7, 2012: Music Canada is proud to return as sponsor of the Album of the Year Award at the 41st Annual JUNO Awards.

“Canadian bands and artists firmly took hold of the world music stage in 2011, demonstrating the depth and diversity of Canadian talent,” says Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada. “This came as no surprise to those of us who work alongside amazing artists like those nominated for this year’s Album of the Year Award, but firmly reinforces that Canada’s scene is worth promoting and protecting as one of its more fertile industries and an enormous part of Brand Canada.”

The Album of the Year Award will be presented at the 2012 JUNO Awards broadcast at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa on Sunday, April 1st.


For more information:

Amy Terrill – Vice President Public Affairs, Music Canada 647-963-6044

Music Canada is a non-profit trade organization that represents the major record labels in Canada, namely EMI Music Canada, Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Music Canada also provides certain membership benefits to some of the leading independent record labels and distributors. Its members are engaged in all aspects of the recording industry, including the manufacture, production, promotion and distribution of music.


Music Canada Welcomes Copyright Reform

Toronto, September 29, 2011: Music Canada is pleased to see long overdue copyright reform legislation back on the Parliamentary agenda and a strong commitment to get it passed.

“As we’ve witnessed in the past, the process is important and knowing that the government is committed to ensuring this bill advances into law, unlike its three predecessors, is gratifying,” says Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada. “Like any bill, we are fully confident it will undergo changes in committee, particularly given the consensus that developed during review of Bill C-32 that slight adjustments were needed so that the legislation would meet the government’s anti-piracy objectives and support jobs in the creative industries.”

Music Canada, formerly known as the Canadian Recording Industry Association, appeared before the legislative committee reviewing Bill C-32 along with artists Loreena McKennitt and Maia Davies and representatives of the Canadian Independent Music Association and the Canadian Council of Music Industry Associations.

Bill C-32, The Copyright Modernization Act, became the third copyright reform bill to die on the Order Paper when a Federal Election was called in March 2011.

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Unison Benevolent Fund Pleased To Announce That Donations Continue To Roll In

Toronto, Ontario – August 10, 2011 – The Unison Benevolent Fund is proud to announce that donations continue to roll in and that the entire Canadian music industry is taking to this special cause with some unique and exciting fundraising ideas and opportunities. With an online fundraising platform (powered by Artez) now in place, Unison encourages members of the music industry to help drive donations to the $1 million mark – the threshold set for Unison to become operational.

Keeping in the true spirit of the Unison Benevolent Fund – that is has been created for the music industry, by the music industry, Shauna deCartier of Six Shooter Records has made a generous donation on her company’s behalf. Shauna comments: “The donation was made in lieu of Christmas gifts to our artists. We are very interested in building a community of artists, and so I can’t think of a more appropriate charity to support during the holiday season – or any other season, for that matter.”

Earlier this year, Manitoba Music also took up the cause, along with their event partner, Manitoba Film & Music with their Manitoba Music Rocks Charity Curling Bonspiel. Over 100 musicians and members of the local music industry came out to participate and support the cause. The Bonspiel generated tremendous goodwill and awareness for Unison – and Manitoba Music is eagerly anticipating their “Second Annual” this winter.


Music Canada & Slaight Music Support Unison Benevolent Fund

Toronto, July 14, 2011: Music Canada and Slaight Music are pleased to announce support for the Unison Benevolent Fund, a safety net designed to provide discreet relief to music industry personnel in times of personal hardship and crisis, and in the process, have issued a challenge to the music community to match their pledges.

Together they have pledged to help raise a $1,000,000.00 capital endowment fund, kick starting donations with commitments of $250,000 each from Music Canada and Slaight Music. The $250,000 pledges will be fulfilled when the million dollar goal is reached. Music Canada has also provided an $80,000.00 cash infusion for the immediate operations of the fund.
(Pictured are Catharine Saxberg and Jodie Ferneyhough, Founding Directors of Unison, Derrick Ross, President of Slaight Music and Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada)


Awards of Appreciation for M.P. Dean Del Mastro and Dan McTeague

Toronto, July 13, 2011: Music Canada is pleased to present, on behalf of the employees of the major record labels in Canada, awards of appreciation to M.P. Dean Del Mastro and former M.P. Dan McTeague, in recognition of their efforts to save jobs in the music industry.

Pictured are Charlie Millar of Warner Music Canada, Darlene Gilliland of Universal Music Canada, Dan McTeague and M.P. Dean Del Mastro(at the podium).


Deane Cameron, President of EMI Music Canada to receive Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award

Toronto, ON (November 24, 2010) — The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) is pleased to announce Deane Cameron, President, EMI Music Canada, as the recipient of the 2011 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award. Cameron made history in 1988 when he became the youngest Canadian President of a major music label, EMI Music Canada, and has since been a premier voice for the advancement of Canadian artists and the music industry. He will be honoured at the 2011 JUNO Gala Dinner & Awards held in Toronto, ON, this coming March.

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