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Music Canada and DIMA issue joint letter to CRTC following Canadian content audio workshops

Today, Music Canada and the Digital Media Association (DIMA) have jointly filed the below letter to the CRTC following their recent engagement sessions on Canadian content for audio services. 

Re: Engagement sessions on Canadian content 

We are writing to you today as part of the recent engagement sessions on Canadian content held by the CRTC from Sept 11-18. Collectively, our organizations and their members took part in the meetings held on September 11, 12, and 17. 

At the end of each session we were encouraged to write to the CRTC with further thoughts or clarifications on the sessions. With this in mind, we write to you today to reinforce an important message shared throughout the consultations: radio and audio streaming are not the same

Out of context, it might seem odd for the largest streaming services and major music labels in Canada to write to a regulator asserting a truism, but we believe that the recent workshops have made this necessary. From the discussion guide to the moderated questions, there was a clear attempt to place the continuation of radio regulations on audio streaming services as an obvious next step. 

We do not agree. 

Today’s radio regulations were carefully crafted for Canada’s radio environment. One that is shaped by our vast geography, linguistic duality, and a willingness in an analogue system to make decisions about what is available to Canadian listeners. They also reflect the limitations of the medium: a finite number of hours, increasingly centralized programming, and a live broadcast format, and relatively small number of recordings that radio broadcasts. 

Streaming is none of these things. Being driven in terms of each consumer’s individual interest and activity, it represents nearly infinite hours of listening, a vast catalogue of recordings, a plethora of languages, and has broken down not just physical geography but international borders as well. Three of the top 10 songs streamed in India in 2022 were by Canadian artists –  a fact that would be inconceivable to the founders of our terrestrial broadcasting system. 

Not only has streaming allowed Canadians to reach the world in ways previously unimaginable, streaming has allowed Canadian artists with no home in the traditional radio system to be found by their Canadian and international fans. This has led to higher levels of play on streaming for women and racially diverse artists compared to Canadian radio. 

We ask that as you move forward implementing the Online Streaming Act, you think of the streaming services and their interactions with Canadians for what they are today and not as a proxy to the broadcasting system of the 1900s. 

About Music Canada
Music Canada is the trade association representing Canada’s major record labels: Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Like its members, Music Canada is a partner to the industry, working with artists, independent labels, publishers, platforms, associations and others, in advancing forward-looking policies to ensure a dynamic and successful Canadian music ecosystem which returns value to music creators.

For further information: Regan Reid, Music Canada,, (416) 462-1485

About DIMA

DIMA represents the world’s leading audio streaming companies and streaming innovators. Our mission is to promote and protect the ability of music fans to legally engage with creative content whenever and wherever they want it, and for artists to more easily reach longtime fans and make new ones.


Music Canada teams with economist Will Page to launch first-of-its-kind study on the Canadian streaming market

Report details where and how Canadian artists are reaching fans today

As the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) continues its work to implement the Online Streaming Act, Music Canada has commissioned a first-of-its-kind report examining the presence and prominence of Canadian artists in Canada’s domestic audio streaming market.

The report, authored by renowned economist and streaming music market expert Will Page, analyzes Luminate data of the top 10,000 artists and top 10,000 songs listened to by Canadians on audio streaming platforms to determine the breadth and depth of Canadian artists connecting with Canadian fans. 

In the years studied, of the top 10,000 artists streamed in Canada, the report found nearly 1,000 were Canadian. Moreover, Canadian artists are well distributed throughout the top 10,000 – not just in the niche tail. Among the 1000 most-listened-to artists, 100 of them are Canadian, including a diversity of talent like Tate McRae, Karan Aujla, Lauren Spencer Smith, Fouki, Alexandra Stréliski and Josh Ross. 

“As the CRTC develops frameworks to bring streaming platforms under its regulatory purview, it’s really important they have a clear understanding of the current unregulated domestic streaming marketplace, and the wide array of Canadian artists who are finding success within it,” says Patrick Rogers, CEO, Music Canada. 

The report also considers the global nature of streaming, demonstrating how essential these platforms are to Canadians’ success around the world. It finds that, for every one stream at home, Canadian artists get almost 10 overseas. In fact, of the top 1,000 singles worldwide, Canadian artists ranked third, behind only the US and UK. 

“In a world where fans can listen to any artist, from any country in the world, and with nearly every recorded song at their fingertips, listeners are choosing Canadian music. Our regulatory framework should build on streaming’s ability to connect Canadian and Indigenous artists with fans at home and abroad,” says Rogers.

Read the full report here



IFPI releases Global Music Report 2024, highlighting growth in subscription streaming globally

Toronto, 21 March, 2024: Global recorded music revenues reached US$28.6 billion in 2023, an increase of 10.2% year-over-year and the ninth consecutive year of growth, according to the IFPI’s Global Music Report 2024. The report provides a comprehensive annual review of the global recorded music market and analyzes issues and trends facing the industry today.

Global revenue growth was largely driven by streaming revenues, with subscription streaming increasing by 11.2% and accounting for nearly half (48.9%) of the global market. In 2023, the number of paid subscriptions to music streaming services surpassed 500 million for the first time, with 667 million users of paid subscription accounts globally.

In Canada, the music market grew by 12.19% in 2023 to a total of US$659.6 million, ensuring Canada maintained its place as the 8th largest music market in the world. This growth was largely due to streaming revenues, which saw an 8.6% increase to US$506.8 million. Subscription streaming accounts for the bulk of those revenues, with US$404.2 million, up 10.1% year-over-year. Ad-supported audio streaming was up 4.6% to US$59.1 million, while ad-supported video streaming increased slightly to US$43.5 million in 2023.

“As Canada modernizes the Broadcasting Act and works to bring streaming services into the fold, this report serves as a reminder of the value of these platforms to Canadians. We’re pleased to see more and more Canadians turning to licensed sources to support the artists they love most. We will continue our work to ensure Canadian regulatory frameworks don’t push Canadians to unlicensed listening,” said Patrick Rogers, CEO of Music Canada.

Mirroring a global trend, Canada saw strong growth in other formats too. Physical revenues in Canada jumped nearly 20% (19.9%) year-over-year to US$78.7 million in 2023, with a 30.2% spike in vinyl revenues (to US$56.5 million) accounting for the bulk of that growth.

“The sustained growth of the music market in Canada is due in large part to the efforts of the record companies, whose continued investment in and passion for their artists is propelling them to new heights,” said Rogers.

Commenting on the release of the Global Music Report, IFPI’s Chief Financial Officer and Interim Joint Head of IFPI, John Nolan, said: “The figures in this year’s report reflect a truly global and diverse industry, with revenues growing in every market, every region and across virtually every recorded music format. For the third year in succession, both physical and digital formats grew with a strong rise in the users of paid streaming subscribers – as well as price increases – contributing significantly to total revenue growth.”

While the global growth in licensed music revenues is heartening, the report also highlights the challenges facing the industry – namely, streaming fraud and the abuse of generative AI.

“Music fans greatly value authenticity and our industry has a strong track record of licensing music and supporting the development of new services that create these experiences for fans. That said, we still need effective tools and the support of authorities to tackle unauthorised uses and to ensure the music ecosystem remains one that is sustainable for the long-term,” said IFPI’s Chief Legal Officer and Interim Joint Head of IFPI, Lauri Rechardt.

Music Canada, alongside IFPI, recently worked to shutter a group of nine streaming fraud websites operating in Canada – an example of Music Canada’s continued efforts to protect rightsholders and the integrity of the Canadian streaming marketplace. And as governments around the world consider the implications of generative AI, Music Canada continues to work to ensure human artistry is protected and valued.

“Our industry is excited by the value offered by artificial intelligence, but only when this tool is used responsibly. Fundamentally, we believe that generative AI systems that ingest copyrighted works without authorization are stealing, and Music Canada will continue to push for strengthened policies and frameworks to protect against this,” said Rogers.

The free Global Music Report 2024 – State of the Industry report is now available here.


Notes to editors:

About Music Canada 

Music Canada is the trade association representing Canada’s major record labels: Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Like its members, Music Canada is a partner to the industry, working with artists, independent labels, publishers, platforms, associations and others, in advancing forward-looking policies to ensure a dynamic and successful Canadian music ecosystem which returns value to music creators.

For further information: Regan Reid, Music Canada,, (416) 462-1485

About IFPI

IFPI is the voice of the recording industry worldwide, representing over 8,000 record company members across the globe. We work to promote the value of recorded music, campaign for the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded music around the world.

For further information please contact: | +44 (0) 20 7878 7979 


Record companies successfully act against nine streaming manipulation sites in Canada

 Campaign continues against streaming manipulation services that jeopardise revenues returning to artists ~

London, 14th March 2024 – IFPI, the organisation that represents the recording industry worldwide, and Music Canada, the trade association representing Canada’s major record labels – Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada – have announced that, following a successful legal complaint, a group of prominent Canada-based streaming manipulation sites have been taken offline.

IFPI together with Music Canada filed a complaint with the Canadian Competition Bureau regarding a group of nine connected consumer-facing streaming manipulation services based in Canada, the most popular of them operating via the domain As a result of the complaint all nine sites (and their sub-domains) were taken offline.

The sites were engaged in music streaming manipulation services by selling artificial ‘plays’, ‘views’ or ‘streams’ on DSPs that did not represent genuine listening.  The complaint alleged that the group of sites contravened the Canadian Competition Act by, among other things, misleading Canadian consumers and distorting their impression of what content merits their attention, undermining the accuracy of the music industry charts and distracting from the effective functioning of streaming services by manipulating the algorithms on which they rely.

Lauri Rechardt, Chief Legal Officer, IFPI said: “Streaming manipulation has no place in music. Perpetrators and enablers of streaming manipulation cannot be allowed to continue to divert revenue away from the artists who create the music. The activity also harms consumers and distorts the fan experience. IFPI thanks the Bureau, and RCMP Federal Policing Cybercrime, for the time and resources that they have committed to addressing this serious issue and looks forward to future co-operation.”

Patrick Rogers, CEO of Music Canada, said: “Alongside IFPI, we’re committed to taking action against streaming manipulation sites and the bad actors who deliberately steal from artists and rightsholders. This is an important regulatory precedent that can be followed in other markets to protect rightsholders and the integrity of the streaming marketplace.” 

This is the latest in a series of actions being taken globally against manipulation services. IFPI is working with government agencies and intermediaries in various countries to disrupt the operation of such services.


Notes to editors:

About IFPI

IFPI is the voice of the recording industry worldwide, representing over 8,000 record company members across the globe. We work to promote the value of recorded music, campaign for the rights of record producers and expand the commercial uses of recorded music around the world.

For further information please contact: | +44 (0) 20 7878 7979 

About Music Canada 

Music Canada is the trade association representing Canada’s major record labels: Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Like its members, Music Canada is a partner to the industry, working with artists, independent labels, publishers, platforms, associations and others, in advancing forward-looking policies to ensure a dynamic and successful Canadian music ecosystem which returns value to music creators.

For further information: Regan Reid, Music Canada,, (416) 462-1485




5 mars 2024, TORONTO ― Music Canada a le plaisir d’annoncer qu’à compter d’aujourd’hui, les flux de vidéos officiels comptent désormais pour la certification dans le cadre du Programme des disques d’or et de platine. Cet élargissement reconnaît la diversité des artistes qui réussissent grâce à la vidéo et célèbre comment les fans écoutent leur musique préférée.

Le programme de certification or/platine de Music Canada a été lancé en 1975 pour célébrer les ventes importantes de musique au Canada. Le programme rend hommage aux artistes et à leurs équipes qui créent de la musique qui parle aux Canadiens et qui remporte un succès commercial au Canada.

« C’est d’un moment passionnant pour le Programme or/platine de Music Canada, qui fêtera ses 50 ans en 2025. Grâce à ce lancement, nous saisissons les nombreuses façons novatrices autorisées par lesquelles les Canadiens apprécient la musique, et nous reconnaissons les artistes méritants qui ont cultivé des bases de fans dévoués grâce à leurs vidéoclips », a déclaré Patrick Rogers, chef de la direction, Music Canada. 

Selon les nouvelles directives, les vidéos officielles diffusées au Canada par un fournisseur de services numériques agréé, tel que YouTube, Vevo et Apple Music, et mises à disposition à partir du 1er janvier 2020, peuvent être prises en compte pour l’obtention de la certification. 

En outre, les équivalents de flux audio et vidéo ont été mis à jour pour mieux tenir compte des différences économiques entre les flux financés par la publicité et les flux financés par les abonnements. Les critères d’obtention de la certification restent les mêmes : les simples peuvent être certifiés or à partir de 40 000 unités, platine à partir de 80 000 unités et multiplatine à partir de 160 000 unités. Les simples sont admissibles à la certification Diamant à partir de 800 000 unités. 

Pour plus d’information sur les lignes directrices mises à jour, y compris comment demander la certification, veuillez consulter notre FAQ.


Regan Reid
Music Canada
(416) 462-1485

À propos de Music Canada

Music Canada est l’association professionnelle représentant les principales maisons de disques du Canada : Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada et Warner Music Canada. Comme ses membres, Music Canada est un partenaire de l’industrie, qui travaille avec les artistes, les maisons de disques indépendants, les éditeurs, les plateformes, les associations et d’autres, pour faire avancer des politiques tournées vers l’avenir afin d’assurer un écosystème musical canadien dynamique et fructueux qui rapporte de la valeur aux créateurs de musique.


Official video streams now eligible for Music Canada’s Gold/Platinum Singles Program

March 5, 2024, TORONTO: Music Canada is thrilled to announce that, effective today, official video streams now count towards certification in the Gold/Platinum Program for Single Awards. The expansion recognizes the breadth of artists achieving success with video and celebrates how fans are listening to their favourite music.

Music Canada’s Gold/Platinum Certification Program was launched in 1975 to celebrate milestone sales of music in Canada. The program honours the artists, and their teams, who create music that resonates with Canadians and achieves commercial success in Canada.

“This is an exciting moment for Music Canada’s Gold/Platinum Program – which is turning 50 in 2025. With this launch, we’re capturing the many innovative and licensed ways that Canadians enjoy music, and we’re recognizing deserving artists who have cultivated devoted fanbases through their music videos,” says Patrick Rogers, CEO, Music Canada. 

Under the updated guidelines, official video streams within Canada from an approved digital service provider, such as YouTube, Vevo and Apple Music, and which were made available on or after January 1, 2020, can count towards certification. 

In addition, streaming equivalents for audio and video have been updated to better account for the differing economics of ad-supported and subscription-based streams. Benchmarks to achieve certification remain the same, with singles eligible for Gold at 40,000 units, Platinum at 80,000 units and Multi-Platinum beginning at 160,000 units. Singles are eligible for Diamond certification at 800,000 units. 

For more information on the updated guidelines, including and how to apply for certification, please see the FAQ.


Regan Reid
Music Canada
(416) 462-1485

About Music Canada

Music Canada is the trade association representing Canada’s major record labels: Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Like its members, Music Canada is a partner to the industry, working with artists, independent labels, publishers, platforms, associations and others, in advancing forward-looking policies to ensure a dynamic and successful Canadian music ecosystem which returns value to music creators.


IFPI global report finds we’re listening to more music in more ways than ever before

Today, IFPI, the organization representing the recording industry worldwide, released Engaging with Music 2023, its global report examining how people around the world discover, listen to and feel about music. Based on the responses of more than 43,000 people across 26 countries including Canada, the report serves as a snapshot of the importance of music in our lives today. 

What’s clear from the results is that people are listening to more music than ever and they’re engaging with that music in new ways. On average, people around the world listen to 20.7 hours of music a week, with the IFPI also reporting a 7% increase in time spent listening to music on paid subscription services. 

Fans are also taking advantage of a growing number of ways to engage with music. Globally, 80% of gamers listen to music while they play, while the survey also found that music is central to 54% of all time spent watching videos on short-form video apps. Looking at 16-24 year-olds, 82% of respondents said short-form video is the top way they engage with music, followed by audio streaming (72%).

Audio streaming continues to grow in popularity across all age groups, with 73% of all respondents saying they listen to music through subscription or ad-supported streaming services. Despite this growth,  the survey results indicate that unlicensed music is still an issue. Globally, 29% of people use unlicensed or illegal ways to listen to or obtain music. In Canada, that figure is slightly lower (26%), but still worrying.

“While it’s clear that more and more Canadians are turning to licensed streaming services to access music, these results indicate Canadians still can and will access unlicensed or illegal content. We need to make sure that our regulatory environment pushes Canadians to licensed services, not away from them,” says Music Canada CEO, Patrick Rogers. 

As teased last week, for the first time this year the report includes a section dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI). The results clearly indicate that fans around the world deeply value authenticity – in fact, nearly eight-in-10 music fans (79%) feel human creativity remains essential to the creation of music. Looking at the Canada-specific results, 79% of Canadians with an awareness of AI’s capabilities think an artist’s music or vocals should not be used or ingested by AI without permission. Moreover, 76% agree that AI should not be used to clone or impersonate music artists without authorization. 

Other findings of note:  

  • Pop is still the most popular genre in the world, but on the whole respondents listened to more than 700 music genres. Local genres are more and more in demand.
      • 57% of Canadians say it’s important to them that they can access music that comes from anywhere in the world
      • On average, fans worldwide listened to more than 8 different genres of music. 
  • Music is hugely important for our mental health and well-being.
  • 75% of Canadians say music is important to their mental health 


Download the full report here.

Download infographic here.


Music Canada files submission with the CRTC in response to its contribution framework consultations to implement Bill C-11

Today, Music Canada filed our submission to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for its “Call For Comments: The Path Forward – Working towards a modernized regulatory framework regarding contributions to support Canadian and Indigenous content.” 

For more than five decades, Canada’s commercial radio regulatory framework has been integral to the success of our music industry. But today, music fans overwhelmingly discover and listen to Canadian artists on streaming platforms. This new reality necessitates a new regulatory framework. With this call for comments, the CRTC requested that industry weigh in on this new framework for contributions – both financial and otherwise – that traditional and online broadcasters will be required to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. 

As outlined in our submission, Music Canada, alongside our major label members – Universal Music Canada, Sony Music Entertainment Canada and Warner Music Canada – strongly believe this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to leverage the power of streaming to create new and meaningful opportunities for Canadian artists and the businesses that invest in them. 

To do so, we offered the below guiding principles to the CRTC: 

  1. Policies for the promotion and discovery of music must not restrict user choice on streaming platforms. If this new regulatory framework impedes the listening experience, users will be driven to unlicensed music and VPNs. Infringing services don’t pay artists. If we drive listeners to illegitimate sources, that outcome will fly in the face of everything that the Broadcasting Act sets out to achieve. 
  2. Contribution requirements must not drive out industry investments by platforms. In recent years, the largest music streaming platforms have increased their presence and investments in Canada, creating meaningful impacts on artists and domestic music companies. Financial contribution obligations must not disincentivize and potentially jeopardize these investments. Instead, we have an opportunity here to help grow investments. 
  3. This new framework offers an opportunity to examine our funding programs and how to best support and grow our domestic marketplace. A review of existing funds along with consideration of independent new funds for music (with new eligibility and criteria) will help ensure that we not only build measurable commercial success and export opportunities for Canadian artists, but that we also support diverse voices and emerging talent. 

To read Music Canada’s entire submission, click here.


IFPI releases Global Music Report 2023, highlighting the continued importance of local music to the global industry

Today, the  IFPI released the Global Music Report 2023, a comprehensive annual review of the global recorded music market. In addition to revenue and listenership data, the report provides insight and analysis on important global trends and issues facing the music industry, including the rapid expansion of global music markets such as Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the need for responsible policies around artificial intelligence that protect human artistry and creativity. 

In Canada, the music market grew by 8.12% in 2022, to a total of $608.5 million USD, ensuring the country held its place as the 8th largest market in the world. Canada’s growth was driven by a 10.1% increase in streaming, which includes an 8.4% increase in subscription streaming to $380.6 million USD, and 16.1% and 16.9% gains in ad-supported audio streaming and ad-supported video streaming, respectively. Physical format revenue increased by 6.5% in 2022 to a total of $68 million USD, the 7th highest ranking in the world. This growth was driven by vinyl sales, which increased 19.4% and offset declines in CD and music video sales.

“The growth of the Canadian music market is driven by the incredible commercial and creative partnerships between artists and labels. More than ever, labels play an essential role as the leading investors in artists, helping them break through and connect with their fans globally,” said Patrick Rogers, Chief Executive Officer of Music Canada. “While the tools and platforms available to make and consume music continue to evolve, it’s clear that the personal connection between artist, music and fan remains paramount.” 

The growth in the Canadian market is a reflection of wider industry trends. The global recorded music market grew by 9% in 2022, also driven by an increase in paid subscription streaming. Globally, subscription audio revenues were up 10.3% to $12.7 billion USD, while physical format revenues increased 4%, performance rights revenues gained 8.6% and synchronization income grew 22.3%. Total global revenues for 2022 were $26.2 billion USD. Streaming remains the dominant source for growth, comprising 67% of recorded music revenues globally. There were 589 million users of paid subscription accounts at the end of 2022, up from 523 million in 2021.

For the second year in a row, recorded music revenues grew in every region around the world, with Sub-Saharan Africa becoming the fastest growing region in 2022 with 34.7% growth. The report highlights the increasing importance of emerging markets to global recorded music revenues, noting that Latin America saw gains of 25.9%, with every market in the region posting double-digit growth. While fans can now engage with music from almost all countries in the world, the report also notes the increasing trend towards embracing and celebrating local artists and culture.

“Record companies’ investment and innovation has helped make music even more globally interconnected than ever, building out local teams around the world, and working with artists from a growing variety of music scenes. This is driving music’s development whilst enabling fans to seize the expanding opportunities to embrace and celebrate their own local artists and culture,” said Frances Moore, IFPI Chief Executive. 

The continued growth of the global industry allows reinvestment in the next generation of artists, and the report makes clear the continued need for new technologies and platforms to ensure  the value of music is returned to its creators. With respect to AI in particular, the industry is excited by the possibilities it presents, but innovation and use of AI must not come at the expense of human creativity and reward. Referencing the IFPI’s policy principles, the report states, “The artist must remain at the centre of all that we do” – echoing the guiding principles for AI laid out in the recently launched Human Artistry campaign

“As the industry continues to evolve and develop new and innovative ways to bring music to global audiences, it’s vital we keep artists and the businesses who invest in them at the heart of our work. As the representative of Canada’s major labels, and partner to the industry, we will continue to advocate for forward-looking policies that support artists’ creative and commercial success,” added Rogers. 

The free Global Music Report 2023 – State of the Industry is now available on the IFPI’s website


Music Publishers Canada and Music Canada launch new Songwriting and Music Publishing Award

May 17, 2022, Toronto: Music Publishers Canada and Music Canada are excited to launch their new Songwriting and Music Publishing Award. The award celebrates songwriters’ and music publishers’ contributions to officially certified Canadian Gold and Platinum recordings. 

“Songwriters and music publishers have always played a vital role in the creation of Canadian songs ​​that are heard daily on the radio, on streaming services, in video games, and on film and television productions seen around the world. We are proud to now have an award that specifically recognizes and celebrates the contributions of songwriters and music publishers to Gold and Platinum certified songs,” said Margaret McGuffin, CEO of Music Publishers Canada. 

“Gold and Platinum Awards are recognized world-wide as markers of commercial success for artists and their teams – whether the artist has just released their first hit, or if they are a global superstar creating the songs that define a generation. We are thrilled to extend our Gold and Platinum Program so that it recognizes the close creative working relationship between songwriters and performing artists and their teams,”  said Patrick Rogers, CEO of Music Canada.  “Canada’s music industry is a dynamic and competitive marketplace, built on creativity and collaboration. And just as Canada’s major labels partner with music publishers to support artists’ creative and commercial goals, this award marks a new level of partnership between our associations.”

The first award was presented last week during JUNO Week to Serena Ryder, in recognition of her songwriting contributions to her Platinum-certified song “Weak In The Knees.” The award was presented by ArtHaus Music and Music Publishers Canada, ahead of Ryder’s performance at the JUNO Songwriters’ Circle. 

As well, Soran, and his music publisher, Éditorial Avenue, were recognized with a plaque in a virtual presentation for their contributions to Johnny Orlando’s “Everybody Wants You,” a certified Gold Single.

“As both a publisher and songwriter, I am very excited to see the launch of an award that recognizes the impact of both of these roles on creating songs that resonate with music fans” said Vincent Degiorgio, President of CYMBA Music Publishing and Chair of the Music Publishers Canada Board of Directors. 

Music Publishers Canada members who hold publishing rights to songs contained in a Gold/Platinum certified recording are now eligible to order the new Award plaque for themselves, their sub-publishing partners as well as the credited songwriters who they represent in Canada.


Erica Meekes
Music Canada
(416) 462-1485

Margaret McGuffin
Music Publishers Canada
(647) 405-1261

About Music Publishers Canada
Music Publishers Canada is a non-profit membership-based organization whose mission is to create business opportunities for our members and to promote their interests and those of their song writing partners through advocacy, communication, and education.  

About Music Canada
Music Canada is a non-profit trade organization that represents the major record companies in Canada:  Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Music Canada also works with some of the leading independent record labels and distributors, recording studios, live music venues, concert promoters, managers and artists in the promotion and development of the music cluster.


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