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 Music Canada


Music Canada Launches New Artist Focused Survey

January 11, 2021, Toronto: Music Canada has partnered with Abacus Data to get a renewed understanding of how artists’ perspectives continue to be impacted, ten months into the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey will hear directly from artists on the financial implications they are experiencing, how the pandemic is impacting their ability to create music, and how they are building or evolving skill sets to help them get by.

Canadian artists are encouraged to add their voice by completing the survey linked at The survey is available in English and French.

“Artists are often the most vulnerable in the music ecosystem. Projects like this help Music Canada explain to governments how the pandemic has affected us both financially and creatively,” said Eon Sinclair of Bedouin Soundclash.

In a separate survey, Music Canada is also asking Canadians about how their relationship with music continues to evolve. 

Data from these two studies will continue to shape Music Canada’s advocacy with government and industry partners in 2021. The results will help give decision makers a complete and up-to-date picture of the recovery phase in the music industry. This research will be made available publicly as soon as possible.

“As we quickly approach a year of restrictions preventing the normal activities of artists, it is important for Music Canada to check in with artists again,” said Patrick Rogers, CEO of Music Canada. “Their voices and experiences shape our message to government and industry partners, as we find ways to help support the music community’s recovery.”

“As an artist, I know the pandemic is causing serious and very likely irreparable harm to artists in Canada,” said Miranda Mulholland, Artist and Chair of Music Canada’s Advisory Council. “Long after other elements of the economy have reopened, artists, venues and support staff will require additional support for us to be able to return when the general public is also ready to do so. Government and public support will be necessary for this return.” 

For more information on earlier study findings please visit Music Canada’s website here.


Erica Meekes
Music Canada
(416) 462-1485


About Music Canada
Music Canada is a non-profit trade organization that represents the major record companies in Canada:  Sony Music Entertainment Canada, Universal Music Canada and Warner Music Canada. Music Canada also works with some of the leading independent record labels and distributors, recording studios, live music venues, concert promoters, managers and artists in the promotion and development of the music cluster.

This website made possible with the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation.