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Gold & Platinum

 Music Canada



Deane Cameron, President of EMI Music Canada to receive Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award

Toronto, ON (November 24, 2010) — The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) is pleased to announce Deane Cameron, President, EMI Music Canada, as the recipient of the 2011 Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award. Cameron made history in 1988 when he became the youngest Canadian President of a major music label, EMI Music Canada, and has since been a premier voice for the advancement of Canadian artists and the music industry. He will be honoured at the 2011 JUNO Gala Dinner & Awards held in Toronto, ON, this coming March.

Release WG_DeaneCameron


Canada’s Recording Industry Welcomes US Federal Court Ruling Against Limewire

Toronto, May 13, 2010 – The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) and Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA) today welcomed the US Federal Court ruling yesterday against Limewire, a US-based online file sharing service with extensive reach in Canada and around the world.

CIMA-CRIA Joint Release – Limewire 2010-05-13


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