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Tag archive: Kathleen Wynne (4)


Province announces 2016 Ontario Music Fund recipients

Yesterday afternoon at the Rivoli, the Hon. Premier Kathleen Wynne announced the 2016 Ontario Music Fund (OMF) grant recipients, with 151 recipients receiving $14 million in grants in the third year of the program. The fund, which is administered by the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC), supports music entrepreneurs, record labels, managers, agents, industry trade associations, and training institutions across Ontario.

Per the release, the OMF, which was made permanent in the 2015 Ontario budget, has now supported 244 applications from 220 companies in its first three years, resulting in 1,274 full-time equivalent positions for Ontario’s music industry. More than 1.6 million people have attended events supported by the fund in its first two years, which featured performances by more than 1900 Ontario artists.

“Ontario is home to the largest music industry in Canada and one of the most diverse anywhere in the world,” said Wynne in the release. “Through the Ontario Music Fund, our government is supporting a dynamic and important cultural sector, helping to create good jobs here in Ontario while exporting our sound to the world.”

“By investing in the music industry through the Ontario Music Fund, our government has ensured that Ontario continues to be the best place in Canada for recording and performing music,” added the Hon. Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “I’m proud that through this newly permanent fund, our government will continue to create opportunities that showcase our talented artists and producers, and attract visitors from around the world.”

Success stories highlighted by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport include A Tribe Called Red, the Guelph Jazz Festival, Dine Alone Records, CP Music Group, and Phem Phat Entertainment Group. The release also notes that artists supported by the OMF have sold almost four million recordings domestically and five million internationally.


Music Canada Applauds Premier Wynne and the Ontario Government on the Passage of the 2015 Provincial Budget

Today we applaud Premier Wynne and the Ontario Government on the passage of the 2015 Provincial Budget.

We are especially pleased by the extension of the Ontario Music Fund, a decision that solidifies a commitment to one of the province’s biggest assets: our music industry. The OMF not only stimulates Ontario’s economy through increased activity, it draws foreign direct investment, assists in the growth of live music, and places a focus on music tourism in the province.

Developed in 2013, the Ontario Music Fund began as a three-year commitment of $45 million dollars, which has now been made permanent through the passage of the 2015 budget. In its most recent round, the Ontario Music Fund awarded $14 million dollars in grants to 123 recipients from across a wide-range of music activities happening in the province.

“The extension of the Ontario Music Fund solidifies a commitment to economic growth in the province through targeted support to one of the province’s competitive advantages – music. The OMF not only helps music businesses large and small to produce, distribute, promote and stage a diverse array of artists but in doing so, it signals to Canada and the rest of the world that music matters in Ontario,” says Graham Henderson. “Investing in music is investing in Ontario – our members have invested $3.5 million in recording projects over the last two years that have since been completed in Ontario. The OMF is raising our provincial profile as a destination for home-grown and international talent.”

Since its inception, the Ontario Music Fund has helped create or retain 2,000 jobs and has produced $24 million in additional revenue for music-related businesses. We are thrilled to see these results continue over time as Ontario becomes a true music destination for consumers and creators alike.


Ontario Government announces recipients of the second year of the Ontario Music Fund

Today, the Hon. Premier Kathleen Wynne announced the 2014-15 Ontario Music Fund recipients, with 123 recipients receiving more than $14 million in grants in the second year of the program. The fund, which is administered by the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC), supports music entrepreneurs, record labels, managers, agents, industry trade associations, and training institutions across Ontario.

Premier Wynne made the announcement at Coalition Music in Scarborough, where she highlighted the music sector’s value to the Ontario economy and stated “music makes the earth move for Ontario.” The press release notes that the recorded music industry generates more than $429 million in revenue in Ontario annually, and that support from the first year of the Ontario Music Fund helped create or retain 2,000 jobs and produced $24 million in additional revenue for music-related businesses in Ontario.

“By establishing Ontario as one of the leading destinations in North America to record and perform, we are supporting the music companies, artists and cultural institutions that bring our sound to the world, boosting a vibrant and important industry, and helping to create good jobs,” said Premier Wynne in the release.

The Hon. Michael Coteau, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and The Hon. Brad Duguid, Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, also spoke at the event, which featured music performances by The Good Lovelies and Myles Castello.

“By investing in the music sector through initiatives like the Ontario Music Fund, our government has ensured that Ontario remains Canada’s top jurisdiction for making, producing and performing music, said Minister Coteau. “I’m proud that Ontario continues to be one of the most diverse music sectors in the world and a place where artists can grow and thrive right here at home.”

“The Ontario Music Fund has positively changed the landscape for music, and signals that the Government of Ontario agrees that music is a good investment for this province; in fact, that it is one of our competitive advantages,” said Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada. “We commend the Government of Ontario for creating the conditions that encourage the private sector to invest in music in order to create jobs and stimulate growth.”

For further information on the Ontario Music Fund, visit the OMDC’s website at


The Rambler by Graham Henderson: Analyzing Premier Wynne’s Inaugural Throne Speech’s Impact on Music

Graham_headphones3Blog ThumbnailThe Rambler is a column by Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada. Graham writes from time to time about developments in the music industry, new trends or just about music! Let’s face it, Graham has been around for a long time and has a lot to ramble on about.

After having gone MIA for a few weeks in terms of my contributions to the Rambler, I am back with an analysis of Premier Wynne’s inaugural throne speech.

The last few months have been good ones for music in Ontario. Under the leadership of Minister Michael Chan, the Ontario government launched an ambitious plan to turn Ontario into one of THE global destination for music tourism. And with good reason. Music tourism is Ontario’s hidden, un-accessed super power, fueled by our live music scene. This is timely and visionary because the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, just this week, identified Canada’s poor performance in the tourism sector as one of our top 10 barriers to competitiveness. You can read about Ontario’s plan here.

So what do we know about Ontario? We know from our economic impact study that there are more than 7400 employed in live music in Canada, and we have estimated that over HALF of them are here. We know that we have one of the largest, most diverse music scenes in the world. That gives us a built in advantage. We know from the Discovering Ontario report that tourism is the largest employer of young people in this province. We know from a report by the Ontario Arts Council that 9.5 million overnight tourists to Ontario participated in arts and culture activities during their trips in 2010. For almost half of them music was the motivation for their trip. It is also a fact that arts and culture tourists stay longer and spend more. And that’s without a coordinated marketing plan. Imagine what we could do if we had a plan and devoted even modest resources to this? Well, that plan in underway NOW.

Last Friday I was honoured to have been invited to Premier Wynne’s first “Jobs Roundtable”. Meeting participants were asked to share their insights and recommendations on what the government and businesses can do together to create jobs – particularly for youth – in the immediate term. I had three specific, achievable recommendations in the areas of tax credits, music tourism and music education. All of which seemed to have been very well received.

Then today came the Throne Speech which included, likely for the first time in history, a mention of music. While the reference was muted, it nonetheless came in a key economic section and in the same breathe as sectors that have long enjoyed powerhouse status in Ontario, automotive and agriculture. Here is the reference:

“[The Government] will look to stimulate productivity across all sectors, from automotive and agriculture to film, music, and digital media; from small business to start-ups and social entrepreneurs.”

The proposals we have put in front of the Government would help to do exactly this, and in an achievable, manageable way. Ontario’s music cluster is ripe for growth. Over 80 percent of the economic activity of the sound recording industry in Canada takes place here. This sector is one of Ontario’s competitive advantages, as the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has noted. Revenues for the Ontario sound recording industry totaled $408 million in 2010. Ontario has not yet fully capitalized on the strategic advantage it enjoys in the global music industry. Targeted provincial support is needed. According to an independent analysis, strategic productivity and jobs-focused supports for Ontario’s sound recording industry would trigger 60 million dollars in additional spending, generate 1,300 new jobs and result in almost $300 million in new economic output. This proposal was highlighted in the Ontario Chamber’s Emerging Stronger 2.0 document.

While music was not specifically mentioned again, arts and culture was highlighted as one of the aspects of our society that makes Ontario a great place to live:

“It will prove once again that Ontario is a great place to work and live, but also to visit, to invest in, to believe in. It will celebrate our hard work, our ingenuity, our diversity, our arts and culture, and protect the beauty of our natural environment.”

And this is the message that we have delivered repeatedly to all levels of government for the past year or more. Arts and culture and in particular music, serve to both attract and retain talented people. This in turn has a significant impact on business recruitment, retention, and expansion, as well as local entrepreneurship. An economic plan that stimulates the music community will in turn help to stimulate the economy at large. The Throne Speech noted that creative jobs are in every region of Ontario noting as an example that “We have authors and artists and actors in Timmins…”

On the subject of education, the Throne Speech noted that:

“Our young people will experience a world of which we can now only dream, and we must all work together to ensure they are equipped with the appropriate tools for their time. They must be literate in the languages of tomorrow; encouraged to pursue the paths of their choosing and prepared for the challenges ahead. We must emphasize critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and an entrepreneurial spirit.”

What is encouraging here is that while not specifically mentioned, music education is widely regarded as a key component in developing young minds and preparing them for careers in not just music, but in science, technology and mathematics. But as I pointed out at the Jobs Roundtable, music education is Ontario’s abandoned “game changer”. There are many people reading this who will understand me when I point out that music has a transformative power to open minds, to enhance collaborative skills and to change lives. Highly successful people in various fields, including Commander Chris Hadfield, have spoken of the important role music education played in preparing them for their career. It should not be discarded and lost in the shuffle. Music Canada recently announced a major donation to music education through our partners at MusiCounts. A $250,000 dollar grant to acquire musical instruments for at risk music programmes. You can read about it here.

Our hope, therefore, is that this government will easily grasp the role music can play in helping to achieve its educational objectives. We will certainly stand ready to help.

All in all, another great day for music in Ontario.

Graham Henderson is the President of Music Canada. He also writes on an eclectic range of topics on his personal blog at


This website made possible with the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation.